Monday, April 15, 2019

Dear Parents,
Below is a new blog following on from our previous learning about civics and citizenship, however, we are shifting our focus more to the history aspect of how Australia came to be.
There are a few significant topics to be covered throughout this unit, including
  • Eureka Rebellion
  • The Australian Goldrush
  • The Federation Of Australia
  • Gallipoli

How will this topic be approached?
Because this topic is so broad, it becomes a lot of information for students to learn. I will, therefore, break it into smaller parts. To achieve this, students will undertake a research project with a focus on group work. “Group work has been proven to, reinforce information, and provide the opportunity for students to get a second opinion and learn from their peers through another perspective”. (The Center For Innovation In Research And Teaching, 2019). To achieve this student's will be broken up into four groups and each given a different topic. They will not be guided to answer as I want them to really dive deep into their research and not be restricted, however, each group will be required to answer the following questions;

How has it contributed to the shaping of Australia? 

what role did aboriginals play?

Students will be asked to provide a presentation to the class. Research shows that breaking down tasks allows students see it as more approachable and manageable also increasing willingness and participation to learn. (Positive behavioral and intervention and supports, 2019)

Why is this topic important for students to learn about?

It is important that students learn about the history of their county to assist their understanding of change and societal development. "History provides a context from which students can understand themselves and others around them". (Deutsch, 2019). The learning in this unit will be authentic, encouraging students to link the learning to their own lives, connecting learning to real-world issues and problems. (Australian Council for Educational Leaders, 2016)

Curriculum Links:

This unit links to the Australian curriculum humanities and social sciences from year six such as "Locating and collecting relevant information and data from primary sources, secondary sources and Working in groups to generate responses to issues and challenges "(Acara, 2019)

This lesson also incorporates general capabilities, including; literacy in how students research their topic and write it down. ICT by using PowerPoint to present their final presentations. Students will also be critical and creative in their designing of their presentations to the class, .The research students will undertake within the cross curriculum priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. will give students the opportunity to look at how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s lived and how they were treated. 

                                        (Victorian Responsible Gambling, n.d)

The history of Australia is imperative for your child to learn, this will provide them with full understanding of the world they live in. Your child will hopefully have many questions which I encourage your child to research these questions or bring them into class for me to address.



Australian Council For Educational Leaders (2016) Authentic learning: what, why and how?. Retrieved from.'

Deutsch, S (2019) Why should we teach our children history?, Retrieved from.

Positive Behavioral and Intervention Supports (2019) break down the assignment. Retrieved from.

The Australian Assesment And Curriculum Reporting Authority (2019) HASS Grade 6. Retrieved from.

The Center For Research And Innovation in Research and Teaching (2019) Group Work in the Classroom. Retrieved from.

All images are not my own.
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (n.d) Research. Retrieved from.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole.

    I think you have done a great job on your blog. It has a very clear outline on what you want parents to know about and I can see the clear link between history and teaching civics and citizenship.

    Brett (2018) addresses that it is important when teaching civics and citizenship through history, to be clear about teaching history and teaching civics and citizenship. Students will know they are learning both and also see the connection and reasoning as to why this was taught this way.

    You have been pedagogically thoughtful to the planning of this unit/lesson.

    Well done,

