Thursday, March 14, 2019

Civics And Citizenship Education

In our classroom, we are starting a unit on civics and citizenship. We will be focusing on democracy and why we need laws to function as a society.

Curriculum Links:

(ACARA, 2019)

Why learn about democracy?
There has been a recent democratic understanding decline (Mortimore, 2010) Therefore it is important that students learn about democracy and the world. Democracy not only affects the air we breathe, the water we drink, the taxes we pay; it also affects education. Democracy is a very important decision and part of your child's life and future. (Ray, 2019)

The unit will get students to design their own island, students will be asked to include things such as

  • food
  • housing
  • Jobs
  • laws
  • community

By incorporating many different elements, the task allows the use of curriculum integration.
This will then put students in control of their learning, allowing engagement in topics that interest them. Offering students choices about their learning can increase motivation in the task. (Anderson, 2016)

Cross-Curriculum Priorities
"enhance and offer opportunities to add depth and richness to student learning" (Acara, 2019). The sustainability priority is addressed through students making their models out of sustainable resources.

                                                                                                           (3BL Media, n.d)

General Capabilities

"encompass the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that assist students to live and work successfully in the 21st century" (ACARA, 2019). This task incorporates the capabilities of numeracy in the way that students will need to design a currency for their island. Literacy through the way students will need to write down their ideas for their islands. ICT as students will use computers to produce their final portfolios.critical and creative thinking in the designing of their islands. and ethical understanding, in the way students will develop an awareness of the influence of their values and behaviors on others.

The main focus question students will answer is:

how are going to make sure that things are are fair and equal for everyone?
By students answering this question they will dive deeper into their understanding of democracy which will allow students to link democracy to their own lives, Students will look into the levels of government and the ways in which laws are made in their country to assist students with their own projects.


At the end of this unit of work, students will be required to hand in a portfolio which includes all of their different elements of their island and their physical model in which they have created using sustainable resources.

Your children will have questions and it is important to help them find the answers rather than provide them with the answers. Jennifer Zosh's studied children and the way in which they understood information and found that if a child understood why and were not just told they had a deeper understanding (Zosh, 2013). This activity has so much opportunity for deep learning, it's important to support your child through this and ensure they are not overwhelmed.

Image result for island papermache

                                                                             (Toya, 2014)


Australian Curriculum And Assesment Reporting Authority (2019) General Capabilities. Retrieved from.

Australian curriculum And Assesment Reporting Authority (2019) Structure. Retrieved from.

Australian Curriculum And Assesment Reporting Authority( 2019) Cross Curriculum Priorities. Retrieved from.

Carr, P (2006) Democracy In The Classroom. Retrieved from.

Mortimore,P (2010) Children need to learn how to participate in a democracy. Retrieved from.

Nowiki, J (2019) Intergrated Curriculum. Retrieved from.

Ray, A (2019) The Importance Of Teaching Democracy. Retrieved from.

Zosh, J (2013) children learn better when they figure things out for themselves. Retrieved from

All images are not my own,

Made By Toya (2014) Island. Retrieved from.

3BL Media (n.d) P&G environmental sustainability. Retrieved from.


  1. Hi Nicole,

    I really like your blog and I can see you have put a lot of effort towards it. I think you have met the majority of the criteria however I found the picture of the volcano a bit confusing as I don't really see how that links to Democracy. I understand your idea around the task that you want students to make their own island with rules and democracy etc but I think this needs to be a little clearer and the picture of the volcano makes it confusing because thats not what they are making.

    I think maybe also make the heading in upper case for the first letter of each word for example "Week 2 Civics and Citizenship Education"

    Otherwise a really good job I love the colours its very engaging.

    Emily Down.

  2. Hi Nicole,

    Plenty of really interesting teaching ideas and academic justifications for the learning outcomes. Here is a suggestion that may help you to clarify how you present your material to have a clearer Civics through-line: because you intend to teach Civics through a Cross Curriculum Sustainability approach, think about embedding the terms law and democracy a few more times through your blog to keep these as the focus.

    p.s One font is a good idea
